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News Archive – May 2024
News Archive – May 2024

News Archive

Please find a selection of relevant news articles below, filtered by region or month:

Umbilical cord clamping survey

23 May 2024

Researchers in Southampton and Nottingham are designing a clinical trial comparing timing of umbilical cord clamping in very preterm infants ( If you have any specific feedback on the study, please contact... Read more

Birth after Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury survey

20 May 2024

Researchers at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust are carrying out a practice survey on birth after Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury and would welcome your views. The survey is designed for all healthcare practitioners who are routinely... Read more

PPH Butterfly webinar

20 May 2024

PPH Butterfly: first aid for post-partum haemorrhage” a free webinar on the 27th June 2-4pm from Professor Andrew Weeks and the University of Liverpool where you can hear about a new PPH management device that provides a first aid for women who... Read more

Intrapartum Ultrasound Survey

20 May 2024

Researchers at Imperial College Healthcare Trust are  reaching out to all trainees (ST1-ST7 or Trust Grade equivalent) across the UK to gather your experiences in using ultrasound whilst working on the Labour Ward. Even if you seldom use ultrasound,... Read more

Draft BAPM Framework: Peri operative care of extremely premature babies

16 May 2024

BAPM has  published the draft BAPM Framework for Practice: Peri operative care of extremely premature babies. BAPM welcomes comments on this draft document before a final version is published later in the year. This draft framework offers a... Read more

Vacancies on the BMFMS Committee

14 May 2024

There are now vacancies on the BMFMS Committee for the positions of Fetal Medicine Rep and District General Hospital Rep. We plan to hold the elections soon.  Please find attached the Fetal Medicine Rep and District General Hospital Rep role... Read more

National learning report highlights key factors needed to ensure safe care in midwifery units

13 May 2024

The Maternity and Newborn Safety Investigations programme (MNSI) has  published a report identifying the main factors affecting the delivery of safe care in NHS hospital midwifery units. The report – ‘Factors affecting the... Read more

Decision time for folic acid fortification

07 May 2024

MRC’s landmark research 30 years ago proved that sufficient folic acid (Vitamin B9) levels attained pre-pregnancy reduces Neural Tube Defects NTDs) by up to 80%. Neural tubes, which become everyone’s spine, brain and central nervous system, are... Read more

Quick Reference Handbook for Obstetric Emergencies (Obs QRH)

02 May 2024

Announcing the release of the Quick Reference Handbook for Obstetric Emergencies (Obs QRH) in February 2024. This handbook has been developed in partnership with OAA and BAPM and endorsed by BMFMS, BICS, RCUK, AoA, RCOA, COPD, MOMS and supported by... Read more

BAPM Neonatal Airway Safety Standard published

02 May 2024

BAPM has published the new Framework for Practice 'BAPM Neonatal Airway Safety Standard'. This document sets out standards for safely managing the neonatal airway in neonatal services in the UK. The document focuses on unit capability and aims to... Read more