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Decision time for folic acid fortification
Decision time for folic acid fortification

Decision time for folic acid fortification

07 May 2024 (Last updated: 7 May 2024 09:30)

MRC’s landmark research 30 years ago proved that sufficient folic acid (Vitamin B9) levels attained pre-pregnancy reduces Neural Tube Defects NTDs) by up to 80%. Neural tubes, which become everyone’s spine, brain and central nervous system, are completely formed – or malformed – by the end of the 4th week of pregnancy. NTD’s are a leading cause of miscarriages, therapeutic terminations, stillbirths, maternal harm and babies born with lifelong, limiting conditions, e.g., Spina Bifida.

The UK has finally agreed (after 90 other countries) to prevent NTDs by adding Vitamin B9 to one type of flour. However, the UK Government’s proposal is so inadequate as to constitute an ‘own goal’. This new article – co-authored by ten experts (including Scotland’s former CMO) – explains what is lacking in the current proposal and offers a much better alternative: Fully Effective Fortification. FEF would prevent more harm, save more lives and improve more futures – for much less money than doing nothing or merely doing too little too late. See: IJBPE_Vol_11_Issue_3_Sher-Column.pdf