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Please find a selection of relevant news articles below, filtered by region or month:

Safety of Maternity Care - BMFMS evidence, the final report, and Government response

04 Oct 2021

Safety of Maternity Care - BMFMS evidence, the final report, and Government response Please see links below for: 1) BMFMS evidence submitted to Health & Social Care Committee on "Safety of maternity service in England", chaired by Jeremy Hunt... Read more

Explore genomics in midwifery

30 Sep 2021

Genomics is fundamental to midwifery practice. It allows midwives to predict and prepare for situations in pregnancy to better protect and care for the parent and child. To help midwives recognise the significance of genomics in their practice,... Read more

UK NSC FMCH reference group vacancy

23 Sep 2021

The FMCH reference group which assists the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) on specific issues relating to screening has a vacancy for a Fetal Medicine Obstetrician. Applications for the Fetal Medicine Obstetrician post is now open and... Read more

NICE guideline on Antenatal care

13 Sep 2021

This final guideline has now been published on the NICE website. You can also find the supporting evidence, tools and resources as well as all the stakeholder comments that NICE received during consultation and the responses to these... Read more

UK NCS Annual Call for New Topics

09 Sep 2021

The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) is welcoming you to the 6th ‘Annual Call for New Topics’. This is an opportunity for you to propose a national screening programme for a condition not yet considered by the UK NSC. If you have an... Read more

Vacancy on BMFMS committee

07 Sep 2021

Following Prof Katie Morris’  recent election as the new BMFMS President, there is now a vacancy for the position of BMFMS Abstract Coordinator  on the BMFMS Committee. We plan to hold the elections soon. Please see the  job description... Read more

Re:birth collaborative listening project

07 Sep 2021

Re:birth is a collaborative listening project, supported by the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Obstetricians and overseen by eight maternity service user organisations. It aims to explore service users’, maternity professionals’... Read more

New BMFMS President

19 Aug 2021

BMFMS  today announced its new President who will take office on the 4th October 2021. Current BMFMS President, Myles Taylor says: "It gives me great pleasure to announce that the next president of the BMFMS will be Professor Katie Morris.  It... Read more

INVITATION: Participation in an interview study on NIPT

19 Aug 2021

We would like to invite you to participate in a qualitative study on the ethical issues arising from the introduction of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) into routine antenatal care in England, France and Germany. We are a research team at the... Read more

Subspecialty training post in Maternal and Fetal Medicine vacancy

29 Jul 2021

A subspecialty training post in Maternal and Fetal Medicine at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Foundation Trust is available and advertised. Details of the post and application forms are available and the post is currently still open to... Read more

Survey on if NHS maternity professionals adapt the care that they plan/provide to individuals who have conceived by IVF

21 Jul 2021

Researchers from the University of Manchester would like to better understand if (and if so, how) NHS maternity professionals adapt the care that they plan/provide to individuals who have conceived by IVF.  It is an anonymous online survey. You... Read more

Nominations for President

15 Jul 2021

BMFMS President, Myles Taylor, has almost reached the end of his term. As such members are all invited to nominate a colleague to become our new President. We plan to hold the election from the beginning of September this year. You can download a... Read more

Addressing Inequalities in Perinatal Care Conference

16 Jun 2021

Addressing Inequalities in Perinatal Care Conference, 4th October 2021 9.00am to 5th October 2021 5.15pm BMFMS is partnering with BAPM and BICS on this two day virtual conference. Inequalities in perinatal care can affect morbidity and... Read more

Introducing Ferring’s new Racial Equality Grants Programme

20 May 2021

As a leader in reproductive medicine and maternal health, Ferring is committed to playing their  part in reducing racial disparities in maternal mortality and improving in vitro fertilisation (IVF), pregnancy and postpartum outcomes for Black... Read more

BMFMS Prenatal Genomics Study Day

06 May 2021

BMFMS Prenatal Genomics Study Day Registration is now open for  the  BMFMS Prenatal Genomics Study Day that is being held in collaboration with the Fetal Genomics Group. The Meeting will be taking place virtually on Thursday 2nd September 2021... Read more

Obstetricians would you like to help shape future research in Twin Pregnancy?

29 Apr 2021

We need your expert opinion in the development of a Core Outcome Set for Twin Pregnancy. Core Outcome Sets are a set of agreed outcomes that have been clearly defined, are measured in a standardised manner and will be reported consistently as a... Read more

BMFMS election results

26 Apr 2021

The successful candidates in the recent BMFMS elections are: Education and Training rep: Dr Marie O’Sullivan Maternal Medicine rep: Dr Aarthi Rachel Mohan Trainee rep: Dr Adalina Sacco Read more

ACCEA consultation

29 Mar 2021

The Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards (ACCEA) wants the views of medical and other consultants on reforms to the national Clinical Excellence Award (CEA) scheme, with the aim of introducing a new scheme from April 2022. This... Read more


23 Mar 2021

The British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) is revising the Newborn Early Warning Trigger and Track (NEWTT) chart. The NEWTT tool seeks to identify those babies at risk of clinical deterioration following birth and provide a... Read more

TRANSFER Study launched to assess the incidence of threatened extreme preterm birth

18 Mar 2021

Clinicians from the Universities of Birmingham and Bristol, working with the Birmingham Centre for Observational and Prospective Studies  BiCOPS (BiCOPS) are undertaking a study to assess the incidence of threatened preterm birth in women presenting... Read more