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Please find a selection of relevant news articles below, filtered by region or month:

Recruitment to the NICE advisory committee for Antenatal care (update) QS 2022

29 Mar 2022

NICE are looking for experts to join their quality standards advisory committee (QSAC) to develop the Antenatal care (update) QS 2022. They need people with a professional or practitioner background in the topic in the following... Read more

Vacancy on BMFMS committee

23 Mar 2022

There is now a vacancy available on the BMFMS committee for the position of Hon Secretary. Please note that our current Hon Secretary, Emma Ferriman will be standing and has been proposed by Katie Morris (BMFMS President) and seconded by Fionnuala... Read more

Trainee vacancy on BMFMS committee

21 Mar 2022

There is now a trainee vacancy available on the BMFMS Committee. We plan to hold the election soon. You can download a nomination form  which needs to be completed; with the correct number of supporting members signatures and returned with a... Read more

Advisory Committee on Clinical Impact Awards

21 Mar 2022

The Advisory Committee on Clinical Impact Awards has announced that the application window for the 2022 awards round will open on Wednesday 27 April 2022 and close on Wednesday 22 June 2022. Please see the following link for further... Read more

BMFMS Annual Conference 2022 

18 Mar 2022

BMFMS Annual Conference 2022 - Save the day! Dates: 17th-18th November 2022 Hybrid Conference Millenium Point, Birmingham, UK Read more

25th  Anniversary Celebration

16 Mar 2022

BMFMS is holding a 25th  Anniversary Celebration on 17th June 2022, 10am to 5pm (followed by a drinks reception)  in Nottingham. The celebration will be in-person and also virtual. Please see programme here Attendance at this event is free.... Read more

Trisomy 18 survey

11 Mar 2022

The Fetal Medicine Team in Liverpool Women’s Hospital are exploring counselling and care provided for women whose fetuses have diagnosed Trisomy 18. Trisomy 18 is the second most common aneuploidy and has a poor prognosis. However, there is no... Read more

ACCEA/ACCIA - Join their scoring panels to help reward outstanding National clinical impact in the NHS

10 Mar 2022

The Clinical Excellence Awards are becoming the National Clinical Impact Awards to reflect the change in emphasis in their reforms. They would greatly appreciate your help to recognise, retain and reward the highest performing consultant doctors,... Read more

Statement on behalf of the officers and committee of British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society

07 Mar 2022

As a society we would like to echo the sentiments of the RCOG regarding the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. We are all too aware of the challenges that face healthcare workers in many settings on a daily basis but cannot even begin to understand the... Read more

Save the date for BMFMS 25th Anniversary Celebration

22 Feb 2022

Save the date for BMFMS 25th Anniversary Celebration  on 17th June 2022 at  De Vere East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham. This hybrid event will  be live-streamed. Please see here for a draft programme for the day. Booking details will... Read more

BAPM Framework for Practice launched

16 Feb 2022

BAPM has  launched the Framework for Practice 'Pre-hospital management of the baby born at extreme preterm gestation'. This consensus document offers a pragmatic approach to the management of unexpected extreme preterm birth in an out of hospital... Read more

New clinical academic positions in Maternal and Fetal Medicine at King's College London

02 Feb 2022

Two Clinical Senior Lecturer positions (full time) in Maternal and Fetal Medicine at King’s College London are being advertised here Clinical Senior Lecturer in Maternal and Fetal Medicine). Based in the university’s Department of Women and... Read more

Genomics webinars now available to watch on demand

14 Dec 2021

A dedicated webinar series developed to support nurses, midwives and health visitors learn about genomics is now available to watch on demand. Suitable for those with little or no existing knowledge of genomics, each webinar in the three-part... Read more

BAPM framework on Family Integrated Care

17 Nov 2021

The new BAPM framework on Family Integrated Care has been published today. The link to the framework can be found in the resources section of the BAPM website here: Read more

Loss of a Baby in Multiple Pregnancy: Supporting Grieving Parents

15 Nov 2021

This two-week course by The Butterfly Project will provide in-depth guidance into what parents are going through, how to provide bereavement support, and how to celebrate each life in a multiple pregnancy. This course is designed for health... Read more

New section and updates to Breastmilk Provision for Preterm and Sick Neonates now available

11 Nov 2021

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has added a new section on antentatal conversations to the Breastmilk Provision for Preterm and Sick Neonates elearning programme.  The programme is aimed at healthcare professionals... Read more

Do you prescribe LMWH to patients during pregnancy and the puerperium? If so, please can you take part in a short online survey (5-10 minutes).

11 Nov 2021

Do you prescribe LMWH to patients during pregnancy and the puerperium? If so, please can you take part in a short online survey (5-10 minutes). We are inviting you to take part in a survey that will help us inform NHS practice on the use of risk... Read more

NICE guideline on inducing labour (update)

04 Nov 2021

This final guideline has now been published on the NICE website. You can also find the supporting evidence, tools and resources as well as all the stakeholder comments that NICE received during consultation and the responses to these comments. NICE... Read more

UK NSC Iron Deficiency Anaemia

01 Nov 2021

The UK NSC has updated the recommendation for: Iron Deficiency Anaemia   Read more

New patient safety training materials launched

01 Nov 2021

New patient safety training materials have been published by Health Education England, NHS England and NHS Improvement, The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and elearning for healthcare, elements of which are expected to be completed by NHS... Read more