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Vacancy on BMFMS committee
Vacancy on BMFMS committee

Vacancy on BMFMS committee

07 September 2021 (Last updated: 7 Sep 2021 13:36)

Following Prof Katie Morris’  recent election as the new BMFMS President, there is now a vacancy for the position of BMFMS Abstract Coordinator  on the BMFMS Committee.

We plan to hold the elections soon. Please see the  job description and  nomination form which needs to be completed with the correct number of supporting members signatures and returned with a supporting statement by midnight on 21st September 2021 to bmfms@RCOG.ORG.UK . Please note your proposer and seconder MUST be members of BMFMS and be up-to-date with their membership fees.

Voting will only be via the BMFMS website