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- Cessation of hardcopy laboratory reports by Red Cell Immunohaematology (RCI) at NHS Blood and Transplant
Cessation of hardcopy laboratory reports by Red Cell Immunohaematology (RCI) at NHS Blood and Transplant
12 December 2024
NHSBT RCI laboratories will no longer send hardcopy paper reports after 1 June 2025. This is part of their commitment to improving efficiency, minimising risks associated with printing, and posting paper reports and reducing their carbon footprint.
From 2 June RCI reports will be available through Sp-ICE which is a secure online platform giving hospitals fast access to reports.
It is your responsibility to ensure that this change is communicated within your organisation. You should ensure that teams are aware, and staff members who use RCI reports for patient care have access to Sp-ICE. If access is needed, please request via email at ice@nhsbt.nhs.uk.
If your organisation is unable to stop receiving paper reports, you must notify them by 1 February 2025 via email at NHSBTCustomerService@nhsbt.nhs.uk. Please note, a charge will be applied for hardcopy reports due to additional administration.
If they are not notified by 1 February 2025, paper reports will automatically discontinue on 2 June 2025.
To support your organisation prepare for this change, they have produced a toolkit. Please use it to help you risk assess and manage the change.
NHSBT appreciate your co-operation and support in this transition to a more sustainable and efficient system. Please cascade to laboratory and clinical staff as appropriate.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please email NHSBTCustomerService@nhsbt.nhs.uk.