Day surgery is now provided for an increasing range of procedures, in patients ranging from the very fit to the rather frail. It has become the standard of care for many elective surgery procedures and should be the default option for all 200 procedures within the BADS Directory of Procedures.
As the healthcare industry faces a cost predicament, it is incumbent upon healthcare professionals to identify and reduce unnecessary practices without worsening patient outcomes. The majority patients would prefer to recover from their surgery in their home environment. This not only provides improved, comfort, sleep and catering but also reduces the risk of hospital acquired infections and VTE.
Gynaecology as a specialty has long been a front runner in reducing length of stay. However, there are only a few trusts nationally who routinely undertake laparoscopic hysterectomies and vaginal repairs on a day case basis. This conference will hear from the teams at these trusts and learn how they implemented their day case pathways, the key to their success and how any obstacles were overcome.